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Why iterative design is crucial for business success in the age of AI


Nike’s $25 Billion Loss:

Nike’s pivot to a data-driven strategy resulted in a significant financial loss, with a $25 billion decrease in market cap.

Shift to Digital Direct-to-Consumer Sales:

On McKinsey’s advice, Nike’s CEO John Donahue reoriented the company towards digital sales, abandoning the previous category-based model.

Focus on Measurable Data:

The new strategy favoured easily measurable data over qualitative insights, leading to decisions based on incomplete information.

Elimination of Product Categories:

Nike eliminated individual product categories, which had experts capable of enriching data with qualitative insights, leading to a one-size-fits-all approach.

Misguided Marketing and Product Strategies:

The data-driven approach resulted in strategies that catered to existing customers rather than attracting new ones, causing a disconnect with the broader market.

Stock Price Decline:

Nike’s stock price dropped by 32% as a result of the failed strategy.

Inadequate Response to Market Needs:

Nike’s approach led to a misalignment between their products and market demands, resulting in unsold inventory and customer dissatisfaction.

Broader Lesson for Businesses:

The incident serves as a cautionary tale for businesses, emphasizing the need to balance quantitative data with qualitative insights to make well-rounded decisions.

AI’s Role in Initial Drafts

AI tools like ChatGPT and Figma’s new design features are great for creating first drafts quickly by using vast datasets to identify common design patterns.

Limitations of AI in Design

AI is limited to generating initial drafts and lacks the ability to iterate and refine designs based on user feedback and nuanced requirements.

Importance of Iteration

The real value in design comes from the iterative process, where designers test, receive feedback, and make adjustments to improve the final product.

Human Judgment is Irreplaceable

While AI can handle repetitive tasks, it cannot replicate the human ability to interpret user needs, read between the lines, and make judgment calls.

AI Can’t Explain Design Choices

AI can create designs but cannot explain why certain decisions were made, which is crucial for aligning with business goals and client needs.

Elevated Value of Iteration Skills

As AI takes over the creation of initial drafts, the ability to effectively iterate and improve designs will become more valuable and sought after.

Adaptation to AI in the Design Process

Embracing AI for initial drafts allows designers to focus on refining and perfecting designs, making their iterative skills even more crucial.

Enhanced Designer Value

Designers who excel at iteration and can clearly articulate the evolution of their designs will find their skills in higher demand.

Future of Design with AI

Business owners should look for designers who can use AI tools to expedite the initial stages of design but rely on their expertise for iterative improvements.

Strategic Use of AI

Leveraging AI for efficiency while maintaining a strong focus on human-driven iteration will lead to better, more effective design outcomes for businesses.

AI tools excel at generating initial design drafts quickly by identifying common patterns from large datasets. However, they fall short in the iterative process of refining these drafts based on user feedback and specific business needs. Human designers are indispensable in this stage, bringing creativity, judgment, and the ability to make nuanced adjustments that AI cannot replicate. Leveraging AI for efficiency in early stages while relying on skilled designers for iterative improvements leads to superior design outcomes and ensures business success in an AI-driven world.

Further Readings
Hand-picked ads from big Companies
The Psychology of Unfinished Business in Product Design
Australia’s Privacy Laws are changing soon
Nike’s $25B blunder shows us the limits of “data-driven”